Monday, November 12, 2012

Getting Ready to Shoot Birthday Pics

Great Birthday Party Photos

Tips for Photographing Birthdays in a Memorable Manner

By , Guide

If there's one event that almost everyone shoots every year, it's a birthday party. Whether you're photographing the cake, the opening of presents, or just the interaction of family and friends, there's always a camera out and in use during a birthday party.

However, this isn't always the easiest time to shoot photos. The lights might be low when the birthday candles are lit. There always seems to be something in front of people's faces, whether it's a plate of cake, a candle flame, or wrapping paper.

Then there's the difficulty in capturing just the right emotion on everyone's faces. All parents want that shot of their child as they open the gift that's the biggest surprise, but, even if you avoid all of the previously described obstacles, it's tough to time it just right.

Hopefully these tips will help you have more success photographing birthday parties.
  • Be sure to shoot a lot of photos. As people move around during a party, you'll find a lot of different people interacting, giving you a great chance to shoot a variety of group combinations. By shooting a lot of photos, you'll have a much better chance of capturing the groups that you want.
  • If possible, try to get up high and shoot a photo of the entire group from above. This will give you the best chance of seeing everyone's faces. Use a ladder, or try to get to the top of the stairs.
  • Everyone shoots the "blowing out the candles" photo, but not everyone receives the best results. Try to maneuver your position so that you can see both the top of the cake and the child's face. If you shoot from too high of an angle, you may only see the top of the child's head, missing the emotion. If you shoot from too low of an angle, the candles and flames may obscure the face.
  • When shooting the photos with the candles lit, consider trying a couple of shots with the flash turned off. The glow from the candles should light the face of the subject, while the other objects in the frame are dimly lit, creating an interesting looking photo.
  • Because you'll probably have to shoot most of your other photos at the party with the flash, "red eye" could be a significant problem. To hopefully save yourself a lot of editing time later, be sure to activate the red eye reduction feature on your camera.
  • As you shoot photos using the flash, be sure you know the effective range of the flash unit. If you are farther from the subject than your flash can effectively work, you'll end up with underexposed photos.
  • If the lighting isn't too bad and you don't need a flash, you may want to shoot some photos using a "burst" mode. That way you'll have the best chance of capturing the perfect emotion on everyone's faces. For example, during the time of the party when people are opening presents, considering moving the birthday boy or girl near a window, so you can take advantage of some daylight. Just be careful that you don't underexpose the subject because of a strong backlight.
  • If you have a relative who could not travel to attend the birthday party but sent a gift, be sure to shoot a few photos of the child opening that relative's gift. Then send your relative a copy of the photo with a quick note from the child as a personalized and fun "thank you" note.
  • Shooting a photo of a child's party will be quite a bit different than shooting photos of an adult's birthday party. The adults may not want to remember all of the gifts, but they'll want more of a set of interaction photos with others at the party. The children will want photos of the games they've played and the gifts and the cake.
  • Finally, make sure your camera is ready at all times. You never know when you'll see the perfect emotion on the birthday girl's face or capture a great action shot, so have that camera ready. 

Why the interest in birthday party photo tips?

Well,  someone special is celebrating his birthday this weekend.  And I intend to shoot lots of pictures.  It's not the picture-taking itself that thrills me.  It's the fact that I can create a storyboard with the photos.

So, let's see what happens.  I'm hoping I can find the time to take those pics.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Taking Photos in the Rain

Wet Cameras

Find Tips for Using Your Camera in Rain

By , Guide

As with any piece of electronics, water is not the friend of your digital camera ... unless it's designed specifically for underwater usage, that is.

With a standard camera in rainy weather, you have the added problem that water could stick to your lens and ruin your photos.

However, just because it's raining, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should cancel your photography session. Use these tips for using wet cameras in the rain, both to keep your camera safe and to achieve better photographs on rainy days.
  • Always carry a few dry cloths with you, preferably a type of cloth that can clean all parts of the camera, including the lens and LCD. Keep the cloths in a sealed plastic bag when they aren't in use to keep them dry. 
  • Don't use a t-shirt or your jeans to try to dry the lens of the camera. To be sure that you're going to keep the lens from getting scratched, you really need to use a microfiber cloth that's specifically designed to clean lenses safely. 
  • Keep a few towels handy, too, that you can drape over the camera between shots. Although these towels will get wet, too, they can provide at least a little protection while you're using the camera. 
  • Make sure you have an all-weather camera bag, or you're wearing all-weather clothing. You then can at least keep the camera dry and protected (in the bag or under your clothing) when you aren't using it. 
  • Avoid relying on an umbrella to keep your equipment dry. Unless you are confident you can shoot photos one-handed all day -- which is not recommended with any camera but a tiny point and shoot model -- holding the umbrella while trying to shoot with both hands is impossible. In addition, if the weather is also windy, the umbrella won't prevent rain from blowing under it and hitting the camera. 
  • If you can shoot from under an overhanging roof or other type of permanent shelter, do it. You might not obtain every photo you want, but you will stay dry. Again, wind-blown rain can ruin this strategy. 
  • You can try using a plastic bag or towel draped over the top of the camera to keep it somewhat dry. If possible, depending on the model of camera, attach a lens hood to keep the lens protected from rain. 
  • Finally, if you're focused keeping your equipment dry, you might forget one key component of shooting in the rain: On a cloudy, rainy day, the external light is much less than normal. With less light available, your camera may need to shoot at a slow shutter speed, meaning having a tripod available is a good idea. 
  • If you can bring some external lighting, you may want to have additional lights available. With these lights, you also may be able to shoot a photo with the rain falling, which can be a really interesting shot. 
My Thoughts
I just realized I like the idea - taking pictures in the rain.  Rain sounds so refreshing.  Imagine how the photos would look: refreshing pictures, fresh memories.  I really like the sound of that.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To Take Photos on a Cloudy Day

Cloudy Day Photos

Figure Out the Best Equipment to Use in Overcast Conditions

By , Guide

If you're a photographer who enjoys shooting photos on bright, sunny days ... and who tends to leave the camera in the drawer on cloudy, overcast days, you may want to rethink your policy. Shooting photos on a cloudy day requires some slightly different thinking, and some different equipment.
Shooting cloudy day photos can be an enjoyable and easy process, as these tips show, and you'll achieve some interesting results. Just make sure that you understand your camera's settings and have the right equipment available, as it can be a little tricky to shoot great photos and achieve the right exposure under these conditions.
  • Clouds actually act as a natural diffuser of the sunlight, limiting harsh shadows and distributing light evenly throughout the shot. So, if you have a close-up photo that you want to shoot outdoors, an overcast day is the perfect time to shoot it.
  • With some especially colorful subjects, such as flowers, an overcast day can help the colors stand out from the surrounding area. Bright sunlight tends to wash out the colors of flower petals, especially the subtle colors and highlights on each petal. Consider shooting flower photos on overcast days.
  • Overcast days tend to diminish contrast, which can give you an interesting photograph. With the reduced contrast, you'll find additional detail in the areas normally buried in shadows.
  • Portrait photos are good to try on overcast days, as the subjects won't squint because of overly bright sunlight.
  • If you have an architectural photo that you've been wanting to shoot, but you can't quite seem to find the best time of day for the photo because of the glare of the sun off windows or reflective metal, try shooting the photo on an overcast day. The clouds should negate more of the reflection and glare from the glass and metal of the building.
  • Keep in mind, depending on the thickness of the clouds, you may need to include a fill flash with your photo. Although it can seem a little odd to want to use a flash outdoors, the cloudy day may require it, so have the flash unit handy. In addition, heavy clouds sometimes can cause dull, flat photos, so you may need to add a little light.
  • One thing to be careful about when using a flash on a cloudy and rainy day is that you could end up with a bit of glare from puddles or water standing on the ground. You'll have to be a little careful about how you position yourself and your camera to make sure to avoid this glare.
  • If you want to shoot a close up photo with the flash, be sure to use your camera's macro mode so that the flash will throttle down and avoid a washed out photo or harsh shadows. Have a few different lenses available with your DSLR camera so that you can achieve the right look.
  • Why fight the conditions? Take advantage of the overcast conditions to create a unique photo that reflects the gloomy weather. For example, shooting a sad photo is a great use of overcast weather conditions.
  • Make sure your equipment is prepared for anything. An overcast day could lead to rain or cool weather very quickly. Be sure you have all of the gear you need to keep your camera equipment dry, just in case. Leave the rain gear at home, and you're sure to regret it.
  • Cloudy day photos can result in some unique images. For example, you can shoot at a lake, showcasing the reflection of the interesting cloud formations in the water. Or, near sunset or sunrise, you might be able to catch the sun just peaking out from the clouds near the horizon, giving you some great colors and amazing views!
  • In addition, make sure you have access to weather reports through a cell phone or a radio. If there's only going to be a short rain shower during the day, you may want to wait it out and continue shooting your cloudy day photos once the rain stops. However, if the rain is going to persist much of the day, or if there's a chance that the rain could turn into a severe storm, you will want to find safer conditions.


    I used to be a camera buff.  I have changed gears.  This hobby has become a luxury.  On top of that is my constant desire to learn to travel light.  To be completely honest, I don't think I have the physical energy to carry the bulky camera and all the lenses that come with it.

    But, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy pictures.  I just hope photo enthusiasts will take time to better their craft.  While it may be true that it is a gift to have an eye for beauty, I believe it is a skill to have to ability to capture whatever is beautiful - in anything.

    The article very clearly brought that out.  A cloudy day, to some, may be a day to let the camera rest.  And it shouldn't be.  Unique circumstances have come out of dire circumstances.  So, why not unique pictures taken on a cloudy day?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Keep Your Camera Safe

Digital Camera Safety

Use Your Photography Equipment Safely With These Tips

By , Guide

As pieces of electronic equipment, digital cameras carry some inherent risks, if not used or maintained properly. Damage to the electrical components or accessories with a digital camera could lead to a fire or to a malfunctioning or broken camera. Use these tips to properly maintain, use, and protect your digital camera.
  • Only use an AC adapter or battery charger that is designed specifically for your make and model of camera. Substituting electrical equipment made for other camera models could void your warranty and cause damage to the camera. It also could end up causing a fire, as the incorrect equipment could cause the battery to short-circuit. 
  • Only use rechargeable batteries that are specifically recommended and approved for your camera. Using an ill-fitting or overly powerful battery pack could cause damage to the camera, or it could, again, cause the battery to short-circuit. 
  • Make sure any cables you use with your camera -- AC adapters and USB cables especially -- are free from nicks and cuts. A damaged cable could cause a fire. 
  • Do not try to fix the interior components of the camera yourself. Simply opening the camera case likely will void your warranty and could result in permanent damage to the camera. 
  • Remove the batteries from the camera if you will not be using the camera for a week or more, especially if the batteries are empty. Fully discharged batteries are more likely to leak acid, which would damage the camera. 
  • When carrying batteries for your camera, make sure that you don't have multiple batteries in one location, where they could come into contact with each other. If the terminals on the batteries remain in contact with each other, they could cause a short and a fire. In addition, if the metal terminals come into contact with some sort of metal, such as keys or coins, the batteries also could short out, so be careful with the batteries when transporting them. 
  • If the camera does not charge properly or seems to "start and stop" when charging, consider sending in the camera in for repair. You may have a short inside the camera, which could cause damage to the camera. 
  • Do not expose the camera to extreme temperatures or water, unless your particular model of camera is designed for harsh conditions. In addition, avoid exposing the camera to sudden changes in temperature, especially in high humidity conditions, which could cause condensation inside the camera body, leading to damage to circuitry or the LCD. 
  • Never remove the battery from the camera when the camera is in operation or is storing photos. Suddenly removing the power source while the camera is working could cause damage to data or could damage the camera's circuitry. 
  • Avoid storing the camera for extended periods of time in areas exposed to strong magnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation. Such exposures could damage the LCD or affect the camera's circuitry. 
  • If you own a DSLR camera that you won't be using for a few weeks, remove the lens from the camera body. Replace the caps on both ends of the lens, as well as on the camera body, to protect all of the components during storage. Clean the lens before storing it, just to make sure it'll be ready for use. 
My Thoughts
These are straightforward tips.  Simple enough to follow-if you want to follow.  Why wouldn't you?  You spent well-earned money on that camera.  With that camera, you have accumulated hundreds, if not thousands of memories.  You've burned calories because of those photo walks.  You're FB profile is not the boring space of emptiness.

Better take care of that camera.  It's not just a gadget!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do You Need a Personal or a Business Computer?

Before You Buy a Computer: Should You Get a Consumer or Business Class PC?
By Melanie Pinola, Guide

An important consideration when buying a computer for work purposes is whether you should purchase a consumer model or a computer specifically designed for business. Many computer manufacturers offer what appear to be the same computer make and model in both their home and business divisions, but they are actually not the same computer. Here's what you need to know about the differences between consumer and business grade PCs, and which kind you should get for your home or mobile office.
Percent of Business vs. Personal Use

First determine how often you will be using the computer for business use. If you telecommute infrequently (e.g., only during rare severe weather), then a consumer class PC should be just fine -- provided the computer has the appropriate applications and resources for your job, of course. Likewise, if you'll be using it 90% for personal entertainment and only 10% for work, a consumer computer may be more fitting.

Computers sold to consumers usually cost less than business PCs, and since they're sold everywhere, including Best Buy and Walmart, you can pick up a consumer computer very quickly and easily.
Durability and Reliability

For more dedicated or serious work use, invest in a business class computer, which offers more value in the long run than the consumer counterpart. Business computers are built to last, with higher quality components that are tested more rigorously. Parts used for consumer computers may be more generic or even cheap, while computers designed for professional use more often include higher grade materials and name-brand parts. This emphasis on durability means that a business class laptop or desktop you buy now should last you several years.
Business-Appropriate Features

Business grade computers offer more features for professional work, such as fingerprint readers, remote desktop control software, and encryption tools. The professional operating system version that comes on business PCs is also more suited for workers than the home version; Windows 7 Professional, for example, has features -- which Windows 7 Starter and Home editions do not have -- for easily joining a corporate network and using Windows XP software. If you're not convinced yet, consider this: business PCs typically don't include the crapware that bogs down so many consumer PCs.

Service and Warranty

Finally, business computer systems come with better support options and may be more easily supported by your employer's IT department as well. The default warranty on business computers is usually longer than those on consumer models. Business users also tend to get priority support, via a dedicated support line, and you can opt for on-site tech support available within hours rather than having to send in your computer for repair, which could take weeks.

Closing Thoughts

Business class computers are designed to reflect and support companies' critical reliability and performance needs. If you're buying a laptop or desktop PC to make money (i.e., for work), invest in one designed for business users and the investment should pay off in terms of better reliability, easier troubleshooting, and more professional features. If you find a consumer model that you're interested in, check if the manufacturer offers a similar model in its business division.


I think equally important is where you buy the computer and the after sales service they provide.  In any case, the speed by which models change, we hardly hold on to our computers for more than two years.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Study Finds No Link Between Cell Phones and Brain Tumors
By Liane Cassavoy, Guide   July 14, 2011

It's one of the most debated issues involving cell phones: whether or not they cause brain tumors. According to a new study, the answer is no.

The study, which looked at 2.8 million Danish adults, found that those who had used a cell phone for more than 10 years were no more likely to develop a non-cancerous type of brain tumor than adults who had never used a cell phone or those who had used one for a shorter period of time.

The type of tumor studied was an acoustic neuroma, which is a slow-growing, non-cancerous tumor that forms inside the brain, near the ear. While these tumors are non-cancerous, they are considered an important indicator of the safety of cell phones.

"Of interest is that acoustic neuromas grow in the area of the brain where greater energy emitted from the cellphones is absorbed, compared to other areas of the brain," the study's leader, Dr. Joachim Schuz of World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer, told Reuters.


Isn't that a relief!  For those whose cannot live without their cellphone pasted to their ear.  The study may have proven that there is no link between cellphone use and brain tumor.  I wonder if there's any study linking cellphone to stress.  Just look around you.  People who seem to be always on the phone-do they look relaxed or stressed to the max?

Anti-Shake Camera Mechanisms

Anti-Shake Camera Mechanisms
How DSLR Manufacturers Help You Cut Down on Camera Shake

By Jo Plumridge, Contributing Writer

Camera shake can be caused by many things, but a common problem is the weight of cameras and lenses. Even the most steady of hands can struggle to keep a big telephoto lens stable!

Fortunately, most DSLR manufacturers have developed anti-shake camera mechanisms to help prevent camera shake. The most sensible form of stabilization is obviously when manufacturers use an anti-shake camera system on actual DSLR camera bodies. This means that stabilization is in place, whatever lens you are using.

Manufacturers who currently use anti-shake camera technology on their DSLR bodies are:

    Pentax (Shake Reduction)

    Sony (Super Steady-Shot)

    Konica Minolta (Anti-Shake)

    Olympus (Sensor-Shift Stabilization)

The only downside of in-camera stabilization is that you can't see the effect that it's having on your images as you shoot your photos. But this is a small price to pay!

So, why do the two biggest camera manufacturers -- Canon and Nikon -- only offer stabilization on some of their lenses, and not in camera? Simply put, both manufacturers produced (and still do produce) film cameras. The lenses that were built for film cameras still work on DSLRs today with all the AF functions.

Canon and Nikon have simply produced too many lenses with stabilization in the past to switch to in-camera technology at this point.

Unfortunately, you will pay more for a lens with built-in stabilization. Both manufacturers are starting to produce lenses with stabilization for their APS-C range of cameras, and prices are gradually coming down on these.

Canon uses the abbreviation "IS" (Image Stabilization), and Nikon uses "VR" (Vibration Reduction) to denote lenses with stabilization in them, so make sure to look for this before you buy!


A must-read forcamera enthusiast.