Thursday, April 14, 2011


iPhone 5 to Get 8-Megapixel Camera?

By Liane Cassavoy, Guide  April 3, 2011

Apple's WWDC is still a few months off, but rumors already are beginning to swirl about what iPhone-related announcements the company is likely to make at the June event. The latest speculation is that Apple may announce an iPhone with an 8-megapixel camera, powered by a Sony sensor.

The rumors of a Sony-supplied camera gained steam last week when the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg sat down with Sony CEO Howard Stringer at an event in New York. As reported by 9to5Mac, Sony's CEO made a comment about supplying cameras to Apple, but did not offer any firm details on what type of camera it would supply.

Another source,, reported back in April 2010 that Apple had "picked Sony's 8-megapixel camera chip for the 2011 iPhone." The report says that information was obtained from "supply and manufacturing sources."

Nothing has been confirmed, but -- as 9to5Mac points out -- that same report from correctly predicted that the iPhone 4, which had not been announced at that time, would contain a 5-megapixel camera.


It's never gonna end.  It's your choice if you want to be sucked into these marketing ploys feeding on your constant desire to be "in".  Or worse, to be always a step or 2 ahead of others.

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