Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WHITE iPhone 4

White iPhone 4 Coming Soon?
By Liane Cassavoy, Guide  April 17, 2011

When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone 4 last year, he showed off a white version of the phone. Now, almost a year later, that white iPhone 4 may finally be about to hit the market. Numerous reports this week suggest that the white iPhone 4 will be available later this month.

When the iPhone 4 was released in June 2010, it was available in a black model only. At the time, Apple said the white version was delayed due to a manufacturing issue. At the time, it was expected that the delay would only last a few months -- but now, 10 months later, the white iPhone 4 remains unavailable.

But not for long, if these new reports prove true. Bloomberg reports that Apple will begin selling the white iPhone in "the next few weeks." That information is attributed to three unnamed sources with knowledge of the company's plans.

9to5Mac also is now reporting that the white iPhone has shown up in Apple's inventory and will be released "very soon."

Stay tuned.


Haven't we seen the white iPhone 4 already?  Or was that casing?

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